DerZibet - thanks I forgot to put in the article and a bit more (From staff blog)
The thanks first, special ones, to the members of DerZibet, for going out of their way to accommodate our member photo requests on the day of the live, and to Ai and Yasu on their staff for shepherding the whole process - and us - to a successful end. If there was some chaos involved it's hardly their fault - and it was fun if unexpected chaos actually.
At least I think I can say we weren't the only ones who found the photoshoots - spread out over various occasions during the afternoon and evening - fun, despite the weird place most of them took place, for practical reasons, a backstage staircase at Koenji HIGH.

Or at least I hope I'm right they found it fun...

Fans I am sure liked the night, and especially the chance to meet the members after the live, for a little while.

Unexpected, though, to come to the "a bit more" part, is how this whole "DerZibet 25th Anniversary" project started in practical terms.
The plan's been in the making for a while, the "problem" was how to get started since sending a "to whom it may concern" email to their contact address on the official site seemed a tad weird. (Or maybe it's that I've been in Japan too long, and usually, in the Japanese way, look for introductions.)
How it started in practical terms was at the FABway 2009/2010 count down live, at which DerZibet did the countdown. That, since we didn't have any "for work" (aka attend for event to go to, Mie and I decided to go to just for personal pleasure.
Which very surprisingly ended - when we talked to someone who had been taking pictures during their stage (something strictly forbidden for fans) after their stage - with us meeting them that night. More than just meeting them then actually, but an invitation to their uchiage and New Year's party, that ended around 5 or 6AM or so. (And an on the spot agreement to our interview request, the details to be fixed later.)
That had a certain Alice in Wonderland - DerZibetLand? - weirdness feeling, to actually go out drinking with them privately, but was great fun.
No pictures from that night, unfortunately, so as replacement for that one of my personal favourites from Koenji HIGH.

Something else I liked - though that's going to really be the last picture on this blog - was some old friends of DerZibet sending their best wishes:

There'll be more in the future, both from the interview and hopefully further lives.
Photos: 1, 2, 4, 5 by Mie, 3 by Kouji
PS: Another thank you from me personally has to go to Ina, for finding me that live in time to make plans to attend it - it was announced on the official site only very late, too late for me to normally have been able to go - and Mie for accommodating my ideas, for that night, but other times as well. Thank you, ladies.
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